Living A Full Life with Lupus

Living A Full Life with Lupus

Many people diagnosed with lupus are lead to believe that they are unable to live a full life. They spend their days feeling defeated, exhausted, depressed, and worthless. You may be wondering, what does it really means to live a “full” life? Living a full life is simply taking maximum advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you. It’s an appreciation for the life that you have; the now! It’s saying yes to the things that you’ve always wanted to say yes to like, that trip to Thailand. It can even be as simple as taking the time to read your kids a bed time story; it’s having a love and an appreciation for not just life, but for YOUR life, especially since you only get one. It’s saying no to sadness, pity, and regret. It’s choosing to understand that when we spend time complaining about our suffering, we cause more damage to our health and well-being than just deciding to be happy!  When was the last time you took a minute to appreciate nature or felt your heart beat? Don’t get me wrong, everyone’s battle with lupus is different and this is by no means down playing what you may have lost, but instead, it’s learning to command happiness in your life so that you can gain the experience of a “full life”.

Here are some tips on how you can live a full life:

  • Work with Your Rheumatologist

Never forget that your health should be your #1 priority.  This means that you must take the necessary precautions to ensure that you’re following up with your doctor and being responsible when it comes to taking your medicine etc. Ask ask ask. If there is something you want to know then ask your doctor, I mean you spend enough money on health care anyway.

  • Avoid Unhealthy Habits

You are unable to live a full life if you have unhealthy habits. Develop ways that you can truly care about your body from the inside out. For some, this may be eating more of a plant base diet. For others, it may be to get in a daily work out.  Whatever being healthy means to you is what you should do. What you should not do is cause more harm to your body. This can be a toxic practice like smoking or even fostering unhealthy relationships.

  • Know Your Body

Knowing your body may just be one of the most important tips to living a full life. If you know your body well enough, you’ll know when to say yes, when to take a break and even when to say no. But how does one know their body? You know your body by being mindful of how you feel while tackling your day to day activities. I always recommend to keep a journal and write down what you did before a flare up or extreme fatigue spell so that you can recognize it if it happens again.

  • Forgive and Live

The choice is yours! Why settle for misery when you can make a conscious decision to choose happiness. Lupus is a bully and if you don’t fight back, and I mean really fight back it will try to take over your life. Although this isn’t the life you wanted, this was the one you were handed so, make the best of it. Give back in any way possible. That might be as simple as sharing your story with someone else, giving a listening ear, or even words of encouragement. Either way, be the best you and don’t dwell on anything that doesn’t serve you.

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